Wednesday 7 November 2007

Will YouTube be slammed over school shooting?

Like many people, I have become obsessed with YouTube. I think everyone agrees how amazing it is that we now have a platform which enables anyone and everyone who wishes to publish their own videos and film online for everyone else to see.

But what happens when people use this platform for their own sinister motives? I have just got home and turning on the tv seen the horrific news about yet another school shooting in Finland. The facts themselves are disturbing enough, and the images emerging of children running from the school and jumping out of windows to escape are particulalry chilling - although also depressingly familiar following news footage of the attacks on Virginia Tech earlier this year and of course the infamous Columbine cctv footage, among others.

What is even more disturbing is the fact that the shooter himself published his intentions on YouTube and used the site to pedal his warped ideologies on 'social darwinism'. Judging by the massive public discussuion after the video of the Virginia Tech shooter was released, I'm sure the issue will now be revisited in the media again, and I'm guessing YouTube will have some questions to answer.

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